I'm Still Here
Hey guys, remember me? Yeah, I’m that guy down in Mozambique who never writes to anyone and never updates his blog… Ringing any bells? Sorry about all that, the world turns, you know? I feel bad, but I’m doing what I can…
So… first things first, I received a nice packet of letters from Mrs. Magee’s first grade class at Ed White Elementary School in El Lago, Texas. To be perfectly honest, the package arrived several weeks ago, but this is the first chance I’ve had to post since then… Ap
parently the class is learning about geography and the internet, and since my cousin Shannon is in the class, they were checking out my blogsite here. I think the end of the year is approaching, and so I hope they might still get a chance to see this. All the letters were WONDERFUL! The pictures were really good and I’ve hung them all up on the wall in my bedroom so it’s one of the first things I see each morning (right after my puppy licks my face to wake me up). Thank you so much for taking the time to write – I truly enjoyed reading them and they help me remember everyone back home whenever I see them ;-)
And what have I been up to for the past couple months? Well, my teaching schedule has really picked up and I’m spending a fair bit of time out in the bush. I go out for 2-6 days at a time to teach people about the basics of the Bible and the Christian faith. These first photos are from one place, named Mecanhelas, where I’ve been spending a lot of time lately. I’ve arranged to teach there once a month for four days at a time. The first photo is the place where I stay when I’m there – I just stay with a family and then we meet back behind their house. The kids here rarely see cars and so it’s exciting for them to play around them. I told them to see how many they could fit into the back and they just started cramming in. You can’t see in the photo, but t
he whole back end of the truck is full of kids as well… The second photo here is from a little jam session we had one night. They’ve got all these homemade instruments and they sound horrible, but they think it’s wonderful that they make any sound at all. And somehow they make it work… like I’ve said before; it’s in the blood…
And this is Pastor Haria, the guy who I do the majority of my work with in the actual town of Cuamba. He’s the leader of a church here, and if I’m in town on a Sunday (maybe only once a month), I’m often preaching at his church. He’s a VERY driven individual, and he’s got a great heart. He and his family have really opened up to me and helped me to feel welcome here. This next photo is actually from quite a while ago – I think last December… I’ve been waiting for a chance to post it so I can display my school colors :-) GO BLUE!! It cracks me up when I’m just walking down the street and I pass someone with a University of Michigan T-shirt or hat. This little guy was vis
iting at a friend’s house when I saw him, and when I told him that he had my jacket on he got a little freaked out at first (nobody wants to be accused of stealing from the white guy). But then I told him that the symbol stands for the university I went to and he was just sooooo proud of it. It was really funny.
What’s this, you ask? Well, if you haven’t figured it out yet, I believe in a careful balance between work and play. “All work and no play makes Homer something something…” It’s a classic line. I took another trip to Malawi a couple weeks ago, and on my way back to Moz I decided to stop for a night at my first game park. Well, this park happens to be known for its ridiculously high hippo and crocodile populations. And so naturally, what do they offer? Why, canoe rental, of course. And I jumped on the opportunity (sorry mom – maybe you shouldn’t read this). And so I went with another guy through this marshy area where we could hear hippos eating and calling from all directions. We eventually came out into a lagoon where we were within a couple meters of a whole family of hippos (photo number two). To be honest, the only thing going through my head at the moment was that statistic that hippos kill more people each year than any other animal… and people j
ust like me – who happen upon them unawares and surprise them into a rage. But no worries, I’m still here and I’ve got some great photos. Man, those things have some big teeth though – one of them gave us a roar when we interrupted his meal. I think hippos are my favorite African animals.
This photo is from about a month ago now – it was Easter Sunday. A few other missionaries and I decided to get up and climb a nearby mountain before dawn so we could catch the sunrise from the top. I’d heard that there used to be a catholic prayer chapel on top, and we obviously found it. It was really something to see the ruins of this beautiful old chapel on the top of a deserted mountain in the first light of the day. A perfect way to start Easter morning – a great time for reflection on all we have to
be thankful for. And this next photo is one that I took of Cuamba itself… not really sure how well you can see it. You can maybe see the cell phone tower right in the middle of town. It amazes me that people starve in the streets at certain times of the year and yet it’s a priority to construct a cell phone tower. Gotta love technology.
And, of course, an update wouldn’t be complete without a bit of info about Tali. She’s growing up really fast, and she eats more than I do. She really cracks me up sometimes. Like when she follows me around the house – I’ll be sitting there reading or studying or something and she’s just watching me. Then if I go into another room she picks right up and follows behind. Most everyone around town knows her and shouts out to her when I take her for a walk. We’re the only white guy/black dog combo in town ;-) Most people are afraid of her because she looks vicious – it’s a good thing they don’t know what a sissy she is. The other day she ran away from a cat that hissed at her. Some guard dog…
And that’s about all she wrote for now. Again, sorry that I’m seriously slack in posting updates and in replying to emails but it comes with living in a third-world country.
I’ve got a few things that I’d like to ask for prayer on:
- That my teaching trips will continue to go well. May the people stay eager and may I become competent.
- May my relationship with Pastor Haria here in Cuamba grow as we work more together. That we might complement one another.
- That the Lord would keep me open to opportunities daily to speak and teach about him – not just in pre-planned situations.
Thanks so much for your support through prayer. And thanks, as always, for checking in-
So glad to see your post, Nate!!
You're doing an awesome job of keeping the pictures coming and we love hearing all that you are doing there. (what about hippo's??)
The kids packed into your truck reminds me of the over-stuffed taxi rides you previously took and the goat atop.
We knew that you were out teaching for longer trips, the prayer line newsletters had some of your current tasks listed on it for prayer requests. We're glad to hear that you can fit in work with some fun still...even if it is canoeing among hippos:/
You and Tali look great. She is getting big!
Thanks for the update. You're in our thoughts and prayers, as always.
^^ M,D, & Co.
Sounds like you have been very busy!! Its great to hear about everything you've been doing. All of the kids are beautiful! The hippo thing is awesome!! A little scary...but awesome! And of course Tali looks so cute!! my favorite picture is the last one where she is looking at you! I can't wait to meet her:)
Love ya lots!!
how awesome to see a new post and pictures, and how cute is your puppy? i am reading a lot of cool books, trying to keep track of good recommendations for when you get back....you probably survived the hippos on my prayers since i was like already imagining you being eaten by some wild animal in the bush so was praying a lot! (: ha ha! thanks so much for posting -and also thanks for the email....next week i'll comment and let you know whether there will be a little girl or a little boy lozen...awwwww....uncle nate (:
It's so great to hear from you and read about your new adventures. Shannon's classmates will be thrilled to hear you got their letters. They think of you often.
I love seeing the photos of the children you are teaching. Such joy! I'm very happy that they are learning love, hope and basic kindness from a white man. You'll never fully understand the huge impact you're making in their life. I'm also sure they will always hold a place in your heart.
Canoeing with hippos sounds like an attraction they might offer here in the south, along with swamp rides to see the 'Gators'. I'm happy to hear about your adventure after the fact. Your photos are awesome! Future trips to the zoo will never be the same.
You and Tali look great. We miss you. You're in our prayers (I'll even throw in a few extra for future canoeing trips) :]
Thanks for the update and letting me know what I should expect once I arrive there. I am getting so excited so when I come in August well we should plan some time together. I am praying for you!
Deus te Abencoe,
I am glad to hear that you are doing well and that you are still alive. We will be praying for you and look forward to hearing more about what the Lord is doing.
God Bless!
I have to say you look great, happy and healthy. Your smile is such a blessing. I loved reading of your adventures with the hippos, and I am very glad you survived with out any injuries. But, I must say the thing that has surprised me the most about the entire blog is that you allow Tali to lick your face. She must be some very special little lady, not only to share your name, but to also be allowed to give you kisses each morning. I have finally found my mission here in the states, and it takes place while I am working. I am working with the Red Cross now collecting blood, and blood products. It is amazing so many people are donating for children undergoing chemo, or because someone they know has a rare blood type. And most of them aren't even a match for the person they know, they give because someone somewhere will need what they have to offer. Hopefully after a while of working here I can be on a disaster team. But, it offers some excitement to Nebraska life.
It is hard for me to believe that it has already been a year since I last saw you. Over the past year so much has changed in both of our lives. But just so you know, you are still the first person on my mind when I get up and start my day with prayer and the last person I pray for before I go to bed. You continue to be such a blessing to mine and my families lives. Keep safe, and keep smiling. God bless you and every other missionary who may happen to read this blog. You are all so close to my heart.
Thanks for the words of encouragement a few months ago. Sorry it took me so long to say thanks. God bless!
Hi Nate!
We hope your recent hiking trip has gone well and are interested in a brief description of the mountain adventures. Hopefully you can give us a short blog comment to keep us in the Nate-News, even if you can't get long internet access time:)
We golfed with grandpa recently for father's day and he's doing well. My game is slowly improving as I go too!
Love & Prayers, as always, are sent your way daily.
^^ M, D & Co.
Greetings from Nate's mom -
Just a quick news update to everybody checking in:
Nate has sent us a recent email saying he is doing well. His recent hike to climb Mount Kilimanjaro (with a group of six other missionaries & guide)went well & they made it to the summit - and back down ssfely:)
He spends weeks at a time out on teaching journeys, so he finds it hard to update lately. He hopes to post mountainous pictures in a blog update soon... we will keep you posted as we hear more!
Yeah, what she said. I love you mom, and you crack me up... Thanks for keeping everyone in the loop ;-)
Hey its great to see that everything is going well. Austin was praying for you the other night and asked when will he get to see you again. We all miss you here in Houston and we can't wait for you to come home. While your gone though I've been playing a lot of basketball and I can't wait to beat you when you get back. Abbey is doing great. She just got finished with ballet and now she wants to try gymnastics. We are looking at moving to San Antonio next summer but I will keep you posted till then. Stay well and we look forward to seeing again.
hey!! i can't wait for a new post, i know you are super busy though - of course you are in our prayers! i just got done re-reading a bunch of our old e-mails from college and right before i left for australia to visit you!!! so funny and random (: we were hilarious! can't WAIT to see you again, but i know it will still be a long long time!!! keep up the good work over there and i pray you are growing more and more in christ every day! amy
Where are you? Haven't heard from you in a while.... are you stuck up on Mount Kilimanjaro?
Hi Nate!
So glad to see that your sister and Eric made it there safely last week to visit with you. You must be busy traveling with them to experience the African culture:)
Hopefully all is well and the time is enjoyable to all of you. I hear their luggage made it ok, so you should have a few things that you've been missing from home<:-}
Thursday's flight will be here before you know it and Sara and Eric will be treasuring the memories and experiences of a lifetime! So good of you to share your world and work with them!! I hope Sara got to work with the nurse there - it will be great experience for her nursing program here at home.
I hope Tali enjoys her toys. She must be getting even bigger and growing strong.
We will talk to you again soon.
Love and prayers from home!
^^ M & D
I just got off the phone with
Hey Nate,
I trust this comment finds you on some incredible adventure. I was just reading in my journal from the road trip. So much has changed in so little time. But one thing remains the same. At that time I wrote how thankful I was to have you placed in my life. That still holds true today. Even though our contact has been almost non-existent via emails I still treasure thinks you opened my eyes to and challenged me on. I trust that you are continuing to fill everyone you meet with a new joy and zest for life. I look forward to reading more about your time thus far. You remain in my prayers.
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