First off, I’ve got to say a big happy birthday to both of my sisters. Lisa’s b-day is tomorrow (March 2) and Sara’s is in two weeks (March 14) but I doubt I’ll be able to post again before then. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Love you both-

Okay, I think I’m becoming very easily impressed. These photos may not look like much to you guys in the States, but to me it’s a blessing straight from above. That’s right; I’ve officially got running water in my house. Which means I can take a real shower (albeit without warm water) instead of just dumping buckets over my head. It’s the little things in life… of course, right now we’re having a water crisis and so I can’t use it anyway – but I know that it’s possible in the days to come. An answer to prayer :-)
And speaking of answers to prayer, the population of English speakers here in Cuamba has doubled since Christmas. When I first arrived it was just me, a family from England and a lady from England. In the past two months we have added a family and a single lady from Australia. Plus, I’ve met a family from South Africa who has apparently been here the whole time but somehow we failed to cross paths… It’s really nice to be able to just speak English sometimes – especially after getting back from a week-long trip into the bush where people barely speak Portuguese. And these families have some great kids who are fun to play and hike with.

And now for the grand introduction of my new bud. I took a trip to Malawi last week (I’ll get to that in a minute) and I brought a friend back with me. This is my pooch. She’s half German Shepherd and half Doberman and she’s currently about nine weeks old. My Portuguese name is Natán or Natániel, and so I’ve lovingly christened her Natália – Tali for short. She’ll be my sidekick, and so I figured we should share the same name ;-) I’ve always thought it would be fun to date someone named Natalie, but I’ve never found one in the right circumstances and so I figured that having a dog by that name

would be the next best thing. She’s already my shadow and follows me all around the house, it’s hilarious. Right now we’re working on potty training, and then I’ll work on tricks. I’m sure she’ll be grateful if anyone is willing to send me some dog treats – I can’t get anything here. I’m going to make her a jogger, a hiker and a camper. I’ve always wanted a dog to go hiking with.

Okay, so that brings us up to date with big events in my life here (funny what constitutes ‘big’ these days) but maybe someone out there would like to know what I’ve been doing for the past month and a half, eh? Life is busy but always full of flavor. This first photo is from Angoche, a coastal town where I spent a few days at the beginning of February meeting with my team. I just like the photo and so I wanted to put it up here. The town used to be beautiful, but was ravaged during the war and never really rebuilt… The second photo is interesting given the surroundings – I don’t know if you can read the graffiti on the back wall (you may need to click to enlarge the photo), but it says “Escola da paz”, which means “school of peace”. Ironic to say the least…

I’ve also been taking a lot of trips out into the bush lately. I’ve been going from one area to another where we have some existing churches in order to see what their needs are. So far, the biggest requests they’ve made of me are for biblical teaching and to be taught how to read. It’s humbling that these are their most urgent requests in the midst of drought and starvation.

Speaking of which, I’ve been helping out in a few areas with food distribution lately. The rains stopped very early last year, and so everyone has been on minimal rations since January. Some of the other missionaries around here have gotten together food distribution projects and asked me to help out. The first photo is from a food drop here in Mozambique. Do you thi

nk you can spot the white guy? It’s tough, I know… That’s Phillip, one of the Australians. All the locals were waiting to see if they would be able to carry anything home. Before making a drop, the church and government leaders get together to determine the neediest people in a given area, so it’s not just randomly handing out food. The second photo is from Malawi, where they’re having the same problems. This final photo shows how they carry away their goods. Notice a couple things: first of all, it’s a woman carrying off the food – the women do the majority of the hard work

around here while their husbands watch or “guard” them to make sure they aren’t harassed. Second, notice that she’s got a baby on her back. A woman who is of child-bearing age is very rarely without an infant here in Mozambique. So this little woman, who probably weighs all of 120 pounds, was carrying a kid on her back AND about 100 pounds on her head (45 kg). The people here never cease to amaze me…

Okay, and as I’ve mentioned a few times, I just returned from a trip over to Malawi (Mozambique’s neighbor to the west of where I live). There are three missionary families who live in the southern part of the country, and I was fortunate enough to spend a few days with them. I went down to see where they lived and get to know them, and while I was there I was able to help them out with their food distribution project and also get my little pup. Malawi is gorgeous. Green mountains, tons of tea plantations, and they actually have lakes. I didn’t swim in any lakes, but I hit a couple mountain poo

ls that were FREEZING, but wonderful. In the first photo you can see just how green it is. Those are tea plants in the foreground – they have great tea. The second photo is me stopped on the side of the road. It was raining in the distance, and so you can see the rainbow right behind my head. If you look closely, you might be able to see the double rainbow. And for the record, it has been a full seven months since my last haircut :-)
Cheers y’all. Until next time-
no way!!!! you look SO different with that long hair (: i have never seen your hair that long!!!
i cannot believe how adorable your puppy is - Tali, what a cute name!!! do you get to bring her back to the states when you come home? she is so cute....
i am so thankful for an update - nice to hear all that you have been doing and see some of your surroundings - also glad for you to have a few more people to speak english with. are you training Tali in english??? take LOTS of pictures of the poochie....and keep the pictures coming of the wild african bush man - i mean YOU! looks so blonde - amazing! are you planning on cutting it at all when you are over there?????
well thanks so much for the new post, i LOVE it!
love and prayers,
Howdy from Houston! This post is from three of your favorite Aunts.
You know who we are!!!
Love the pictures and updates. We love the new look, it's hot. We thought of you today. We went to the Island and saw Nate's Steakhouse on the Seawall. Also, we went to East beach and to LaKing's of course. Loved it.
More on that later.
We love your new puppy and of course we'll be sending treats (from Sage).
Happy for the running water, hope you're still there when you can use it!
Not suprised to see the women doing all of the work. Plus birthing the babies. We've come along way in the USA now we need to help the rest of the world. :)
We miss you, keep safe and you're in our thoughts and prayers.
COWGIRL-UP (yes, it's that time of year again).
We love the picture of you and the double rainbow
Thanks for the birthday announcement! I felt very special that I made the blog!!:)
Sounds like you've been very busy, but thats awesome that you've been helping with food drops. Tali is so cute! and i'm going to be sending her some treats and perhaps a toy:) I can't wait to see her myself! Love you Lots and Miss you!
Remember me????????? I am back at MLC in May and will be in Mocambique by the first of August. Seriously I am coming, so be looking for me. Thanks for the awesome update and look fowrd to some amazing adventures together! Pray as Sunday I will be in First Baptist Church sharing about Mocambique as well as those serving there and my future there.
Saw your picture on my office wall and said to myself I need to see what Nate is upto. What a nice surprise to see you just updated and with pictures. Truly ironic how God can make such a beautiful place and then have it filled with poverty, illiteracy and war. Glad to see you're doing well and have yourself a 4 legged friend. You've probably heard that AP lost one leg of it's business in Pasadena..Lyondell closed up last year. They have been scambling around trying to figure out what to do next. So many new faces and plenty of shuffling. Corporate is putting a lot of money into Pasadena so at least for now there doesn't seem to be any imminent desire to sell the plant.
You take care of yourself and I know you have a lot of people praying for you while you are praying for those small things in life.
What excitement to have (the potential for) running water... hopefully you get to use it soon:} We're so glad to see the new pictures of the mountains, tea fields, and ...puppy! Nice name, that Natalia,...She will be happy to jog, hike and camp with you! Good luck on the potty training, hopefully she's a quick study:-}
To see & hear what you're encountering in the villages - it's hard to believe the hardships faced by the whole country there. We pray for relief of their burdens and encouragement through developing church families.
We're happy to hear you now have more English-speaking friends there to spend time with. Between all of them and the pup, you can enjoy much companionship now! Can Tali go the villages with you? Or will she stay home to guard the house?
Great looking locks, by the way. Does it bug ya, or are you used to the different length by now?
Take care, we love ya, and prayers abound for your good works, great health, and enriched spirit!!
^^ M,D, & Co.
i LOVE your new sidekick! soooo cute...every time i see a little pack of street puppies here, i have to stop myself from taking a couple home (they wouldn't really be happy in our apt.). anyway, glad to hear that things are going well--you're in our prs :)
nate - where should i be sending emails???
I like the long hair, I think you should let it grow and then you can compete with Wes for Jesus in the Christmas Tree.
Tali - What a cool name for a dog. In Arabic "Tali" means "follow me", "walk with me", "join me". And when it is said very loudly it might mean, "Come on... How long are you gonna stay over there? Let's go!!!" or if it is said by a mother who has a lot of bags and kids it might mean, "You better come here right now"...
Hey, Nate...
As Easter approaches, we hope you are doing well. We're thinking of you there - sharing God's works with all the people you encounter. We pray for your enriched spirit, good health, & refreshing companionship with other missionaries...and Tali too.
We hope you continue to have good communications ability, so that you can keep us updated from time to time, as your duties allow. We miss you much, and pray for you daily.
Love from all, M, D, & Co.
ok time for a new post! hope you are doing ok and you are in my prayers!!!!
Wishing you a Happy Easter!
We miss you and hope that you have a wonderful day!
AS, UB, Hannah, Shannon and Sage
so how about this? how about whoever has heard from nate lately just put a little comment up and say that he is doing well!!!! anyone anyone??? sorry i am a worrier (:
To All:
I heard from NTG around the 12th of April. He is having lots of e-mail trouble. He has also been doing week long treks through the bush. He was doing ok at that point. That's all I know....
We called nate a couple of weeks ago. He is doing really well. But he is having a lot of email troubles. He said he has been very busy, and will try to respond back to emails as best as he can.
THANKS for the updates (:
Hey, I've heard from me recently too - and I think I'm doing pretty well. Yeah, sorry it's been so long since I've updated and sorry I'm taking so long to reply to emails as well - all sorts of fun. I'm doing fine (Amy, you're worse than my mom sometimes ;-) and I'll put up a new post the next time I can get online for more than just a few minutes. Thanks for showing that you haven't forgotten me-
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