An Introduction

This is me in Texas prior to heading out for the mission field. There are some days when you just need to get to the beach. I adapt well to my surroundings (i.e. I'm from Michigan so the hat isn't a natural thing) so I figure I should be able to do alright in the African environment...
I'll be using this site to post photos, updates and prayer requests while I'm in Mozambique for the next few years doing missionary work. Also I'll have links to some other sites, such as the International Mission Board and my Mozambique team's websites.
I'm currently in Richmond, Virginia for training prior to my departure from the states. I'm here with almost two hundred other missionaries and it's a very unique environment. In August we'll be going out to virtually every corner of the globe. Everyone is excited and eager to leave, and everyone has such a heart for missions that it is just absolutely amazing.
I suppose that'll do for now. I'll try to post some more specific information on my assignment when I get that information nailed down. Until then-