Time At Home
I can’t believe the time is almost here. I’ll be flying out in two days and then arriving in Mozambique two days after that (quite the flight). I’m really excited to get over there to start the language training and to start getting to know people. I’m both ready to go and sorry to leave. I’m not nervous yet – I think that’ll hit me when I step off the plane.
I’ve spent the past week and a half in Michigan with my family and friends, trying to see everyone before I leave. It’s not possible, of course, but I’m doing what I can with the time I have. Last weekend my family took a trip to Chicago to see a neat

As I’ve said before, I’m not sure how often I’ll be able to post updates once I’m over in the field. I’ll do my best to get new info up at least monthly. Please let me know what you think, or if you have any questions on what I post by comments or through email (my email is under my profile).
Please be praying for me in a few specific areas as I’m in the transition here:
- May God provide safe travels to Mozambique and a quick adjustment to the new environment, that I can be effective in my ministry as soon as possible.
- May God aide me in learning the language, to learn quickly and be able to apply what I’ve learnt.
- May God quickly bring people in Mozambique into my life with whom I can build strong friendships and through whom I can learn how to relate within their culture.
Thanks so much for your prayer support. No ministry can be effective without it, mine least of all. I believe it can make the difference between a good and a phenomenal ministry in Mozambique.
The next update will be from the southern hemisphere-
This is going to work for me!
wow!! tomorrow is the big day - we will be praying so much for you, makes me want to cry just thinking about you being gone for 2 years!!! but it will go fast and i cant WAIT to hear all the updates and see what God does through your ministry! be safe!!!!!!!!!!!
nate, have fun! you're in my prs!
recorde os lua
nos falta tu
The community of servants of God have been truly blessed to have you enter among them. You will be truly blessed with the hope, laughter, courage and companionship that you bring to these proud people. My prayers are with you. God bless and take care
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